Hot Scores in Saturday’s Stableford

Two Scores in the 40’s

Former member Sam Cleland, now a member at North Adelaide and Corey Friebel posted scores of 42 and 41 to set a cracking pace on Saturday. Peter Weiss  37 and Andy Phillips 36 were best of the rest.

Only one player, Chris “Critta”  Waters scored in the 20’s, an unusual occurrence, thus Critta went home with his second consecutive Mars Bar.


Pos Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1 Cleland Samuel 26 42
2 Friebel Corey 22 41
3 Weiss Peter 20 37
4 Phillips Andrew 15 36
5 Cleland Richard 20 34
5 Millward Mark 7 34
7 Hallion Pat 10 33
7 Thomson Philip 13 33
9 Hallion James 9 32
10 Wenzel Russell 11 31
11 Waters Chris 8 29

Anzac Cup Results

Dick Cleland wins coveted Anzac Cup

Photo of Anzac Cup ready for Helen Cleland to polish
Anzac Cup ready for Helen Cleland to polish

Dick Cleland hit off in today’s Anzac Cup on a hat trick for the Mars Bar. In one of the greatest turn arounds since Lazarus he turned a 25 point stableford score on Tuesday into 39 points to comfortably win the silverware. Runner up was Richard “Pickles” Matz, having his first hit in 3 weeks to card a solid 36 points. Conditions were difficult with cold winds strengthening during the afternoon.

Chris “Critta” Waters took the Mars Bar by a comfortable margin.

Pos Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1 Cleland Richard 20 39
2 Matz Richard 16 36
3 Webster David 7 35
4 Cleland Samuel 26 34
5 Thomson Philip 13 33
6 Gill Robert 11 32
6 Robinson David 8 32
8 Dunstan Benjamin 18 31
9 Friebel Corey 22 29
9 Phillips Andrew 15 29
11 Wenzel Russell 11 28
12 Thomson Wade 19 27
13 Waters Chris 8 24

The Eagle Has Landed

Eddie "The Eaglle"
Eddie “The Eagle”


There was great excitement at the Men”s Saturday competition when it was realised that Eddie “The Eagle” Van Keulen had returned to golf after a break of 20 months. When play was completed for the  day it was apparent that Eddie had lost none of his flare.

The par competition was won by David “Jack” Webster on 2 up while David “”Robbie” Robinson was runner up all square. The Mars bar went to Richard “Pickles” Matz with an appalling score of -12. Pickles was understandably very embarrassed and left before presentations so Eddie “The Eagle” ate his Mars Bar for him.

Pos Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1 Webster David 11 2
2 Robinson David 7 0
3 Cleland Richard 22 -1
3 Thomson Philip 13 -1
5 Dunstan Benjamin 20 -3
6 Phillips Andrew 16 -5
7 Secomb Richard 24 -6
7 Webster Chase 26 -6
7 Weiss Peter 20 -6
10 Maxted Trevor 20 -7
11 Nenke John 19 -9
12 Van Keulen Edward 31 -11
13 Matz Richard 16 -12


Tommo Marches On


Philip “Tommo” Thomson

Colourful local identity, Philip “Tommo” Thomson, undaunted   by his dramatic handicap reduction following his outstanding result on Tuesday demolished Saturday’s field in a stroke competition. Tommo scored a net 69, 3 strokes ahead of runners up Peter Weiss and David “Jack” Webster. The handicapper, realising he had not done enough on Tusesday, took another stroke off Tommo.

There was some competition for the Mars Bar with Kobi Wenzell taking the confectionery by the narrowest of margins.

Pos Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Net Strokes
1 Thomson Philip 14 69
2 Weiss Peter 20 72
2 Webster David 11 72
4 Matz Richard 17 73
4 Maxted Trevor 20 73
6 Phillips Andrew 16 74
6 Quinn Sam 21 74
8 Hallion Pat 8 76
9 Cleland Richard 22 79
9 Hallion James 10 79
11 Waters Chris 9 80
12 Millward Mark 7 83
13 Wenzel Russell 12 85
14 Secomb Richard 24 86
15 Wenzel Kobi 10 87

Thomo & Big Trev Dominate Tuesday Stableford

Philip “Tommo” Thomson

Colourful Local Identity Philip “Tommo” Thomson & Big Trevor Maxted made today’s event a two man race with Tommo crossing the line one stableford point ahead with 44 points to Big Trev’s 43. The handicapper, Andy Phillips was third 8 points back on 36. Andy was not amused and acted swiftly  reducing Tommo’s handicap by 2 strokes and Big Trev’s by one.

Club Captain, Russell “Gus The Good Guy” Wenzel collected the Mars Bar on a countback.

Pos Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1 Thomson Philip 16 44
2 Maxted Trevor 21 43
3 Phillips Andrew 16 36
4 Webster David 11 35
5 Cleland Richard 22 33
5 Wenzel Kobi 10 33
7 Hallion Pat 8 31
7 Matz Richard 17 31
7 Wenzel Russell 12 31

Gus The Good Guy Takes The Mars Bar

While there were some exceptional scores on Saturday, Russell “Gus The Good Guy” Wenzel was a notable exception scoring just 26 stableford points taking the Mars Bar by a safe margin of 2. Closest to Gus were “Big Trev” Maxted and Michael Shepley.

At the other end of the field Dick Cleland seems to have got his short game under control (this won’t last!) scoring a strong 41 points just 1 point clear of James Hallion. Both will play off lower handicaps next week. Last Saturday’s winner Richard “Pickles” Matz and Matt McAuley both scored creditable 37s.

Gus The Good Guy in Happier times

Dick Cleland
Net Score Results
Pos Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1 Cleland Richard 20 41
2 Hallion James 15 40
3 Matz Richard 15 37
3 McAuley Matt 19 37
5 Weiss Peter 19 35
6 Dunstan Benjamin 21 34
6 Phillips Andrew 15 34
6 Thomson Philip 14 34
9 Millward Mark 9 32
10 Waters Chris 11 31
11 Hallion Pat 7 30
11 Secomb Richard 24 30
13 Robinson David 5 29
14 Maxted Trevor 17 28
14 Shepley Michael 26 28
16 Wenzel Russell 10 26

Winter Midweek Starts in Perfect April Weather

Colourful sporting identity, Philip “Tommo” Thomson won the opening round of the Winter midweek golf on a count back from David “Robbie Robinson. Both scored 37 points. Andy Phillips got an excellent start scoring 20 points on the front 9 , but suffered a bad fade on the back 9 to finish with just 33. Andy will need to work on his fitness to prevent a repeat. Saturday’s winner, Richard “Pickles” Matz was unable to maintain his good form.

The club’s 2 worst putters fought for the Mars Bar with Dick Cleland finally sinking a tricky put on the final hole to leave Pat “The Rat” Hallion with the confectionery.

Net Score Results
Pos Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1 Thomson Philip 14 37
1 Robinson David 5 37
3 Phillips Andrew 15 33
3 Wenzel Russell 9 33
5 Matz Richard 14 32
6 Webster David 10 27
7 Cleland Richard 20 24
8 Hallion Pat 7 22

Pickles in Red Hot Form

Riichard “Pickles” Matz blasted 39 stableford points to show a clean pair of heels to Saturday’s Field. Runner up was Philip “Tommo” Thomson with 37, 1 stroke ahead of Peter Weiss. Dick Secombe took the Mars Bar by a comfortable margin.

Net Score Results
Pos Home Club Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1   Matz Richard 15 39
2   Thomson Philip 14 37
3   Weiss Peter 20 36
4   Millward Mark 9 34
5   Phillips Andrew 15 32
5   Waters Chris 11 32
7   Hallion Pat 7 31
7   Maxted Trevor 17 31
9   Robinson David 5 29
9   Webster David 9 29
11 Blyth Golf Club Helbig Simon 19 28
11 Barmera Golf Club Kelly Neville 12 28
13   Wenzel Russell 9 27
14   Secomb Richard 24 22

Saturday Results


Ten Players competed on Saturday. David “Robbie” Robinson was winner with a good score of 39 points. Runner up was “Big Trev” Maxted with 37 points.

Ben Dunstan took the Mars Bar with 23. The only other player in the 20’s was Philip “Tommo” Thomson with 25.

Full Results
Pos Home Club Family Name Given Name Daily Handicap Score
1   Robinson David 7 39
2   Maxted Trevor 19 37
3   Millward Mark 10 35
4   Matz Richard 15 33
5   Cleland Richard 19 31
5   Phillips Andrew 14 31
5   Wenzel Russell 10 31
8 Mount Compass Golf Club Prance Mike 14 30
9   Thomson Philip 15 25
10   Dunstan Benjamin 22 23